What is the Best Temperature for Sleep and How to Stay Cool at Night

Nick N |

You’ve probably heard that it’s better to sleep in cooler temperatures than warm ones, but what is the ideal temperature for sleep? 

Finding the perfect temperature is essential for a good night’s sleep, especially for those who tend to get hot and wake up in the middle of the night. 

In this article, we’ll discuss the best sleeping temperature and different methods to stay cool while you sleep. 

The Best Temperature for Sleep

According to the Sleep Foundation, the best temperature for sleep is 65 degrees Fahrenheit. While this temperature is optimal, anything between 62 and 67 degrees Fahrenheit is ideal for a good night’s sleep. 

As our bodies prepare to go to sleep, our internal core temperature starts to drop. This drop in temperature then signals the release of melatonin, a natural chemical that makes us tired. So, to stay in tune with our body’s regulations, it’s important that the outside temperature is also cooler. 

Sleeping in Warm Temperatures

When we sleep in temperatures above 67 degrees Fahrenheit, we can feel extremely uncomfortable and stuffy. When we start to sweat or experience dehydration from these warmer temperatures, it makes it harder to fall asleep. Therefore, we can be up for most of the night and even wake up in the middle of it. 

Sleeping in Cold Temperatures

Any temperature below 60 degrees Fahrenheit is too cold for people to sleep comfortably. When our bodies are cold, they work hard internally to get warmer. So, as we try to sleep, our bodies are working to warm us through shallow breathing and our cardiovascular system works harder. 

When your body is working this hard while you try to sleep, you won’t get the rest you need to be awake and alert the next day. 

How to Stay Cool at Night

Some people, even though they sleep at the right temperature, tend to get very warm at night. So, how do you stay cool without turning the temperature down too much? 

Consider Your Bedding

Sometimes the culprit of night sweats is the type of bedding you’re sleeping on. Try to look for lighter blankets, airy sheets, and a cool mattress. Avoid bedding made from fleece or wool. 

When the seasons change, adjust your bedding accordingly. Some people even have winter bed sets and summer bed sets to help regulate their temperature while they sleep. 

Eat Smaller Meals at Night

You may be surprised to hear that what you eat can influence how cool you stay at night. When you eat large meals heavy in fats and carbs, your body works harder and longer to break down these nutrients. This can then raise your body temperature as you sleep. 

Instead, try to eat smaller meals full of vegetables. Keep the meals light so you can digest them easily and before it’s time to go to bed. 

Cool the Room Down

An hour or two before it’s time to go to sleep, start cooling your bedroom down. Close the blinds and turn on the air conditioning or fan. When you sleep, you can also have strategically placed fans to keep you cool during the night.